VOX Construction Chemicals is proud to provide solutions to the needs of growing construction and building industry needs around the world.
We believe quality lies in details, therefore our selection of raw materials goes through serious of tests each time,and we are very particular choosing our suppliers,our recipe’s are kept up to date to address the new needs and we use high modern technology, our manufacturing process is state of the art and we always welcome new ideas and innovations.
We aim to be leader of chemicals used in areas of construction by providing right material at right project and provide quality product. At the end of the day end user must be satisfied and that is what we care the most about.
We serve our products in USA, China , Europe, Asia and Middle-East, thanks to our network. Day by day we are expanding our market share.
New Dealers are always welcome.
Most of VOX products meet and exceed American National Standards Institute (ANSI) requirements and American Society of Tests and Materials (ASTM) and we always pay attention to “quality” so that we are proud of having people using quality products for their homes schools hospitals and commercial projects.
Happy Troweling.